Buying a home is a lifetime achievement. Everyone wishes to experience this joy and happiness by investing in a home. It is important to understand that you can now apply for a home loan or house renovation loan online and get the right type of loan for all your needs. Apply for a home loan from the comfort of your home with Clix Capital. It is a smooth and hassle-free borrowing experience. Here are all the steps to applying for a home loan . ● Check your eligibility criteria: Determine if you qualify for the loan or not. Do you know the essentials for qualifying for a home loan? It is a long list that the banks and financial institutions will give you, but you must ensure a few things for sure. A good credit score, a high income, a good property , a low debt-to-income ratio, and job stability. These are the things that can make you eligible and qualify for a home loan. It makes borrowing easy. Once you set this right, try to decide the type of loan you want ...